Neeraj Kumar
Silvine Game Studios
As an individual, I spent my childhood obsessed with playing Arcade, NES & PC games like Contra, Double Dragon, Counter-Strike, etc. The game which stuck with me the most and inspired me to join the gaming industry was the Half-life series. With over 14+ years of experience in the industry, I worked on game genres ranging from casual to hardcore on PC and mobile platforms. I even co-founded an indie studio called "Ogre Head Studio", wherein I developed & shipped Asura: Vengeance Edition (Steam), a hack-and-slash rogue-like game with an innovative skill tree system. Since then, the game has gained global recognition and success. Apart from this, I have worked with external clients from Dubai on service projects related to game development and also prototyped various concepts, including Casual, Arcade, and even RTS games.
Currently, I am the founder of Silvine Game Studios, an independent game development studio based in Chennai. I founded this studio along with my co-founders, Aubhik, Ekta, and Vishal. This is my second entrepreneurial stint in the indie space.